How can you convert 140 characters into online marketing success?
These quick tips provide insight for creative online marketing campaigns while using Twitter as your social engagement platform.
Twitter has now become one of the most popular Social Media Marketing platforms for businesses and individuals across the globe. Like many other Social Media marketing tools, Twitter efforts to improve user experience is on the increase, with registration and posting tweets being one of the leading goals.
The idea of using 140 characters to make positive impact is by far, one of the greatest content marketing innovations to date. With this in mind, let us explore 7 ways to use Twitter to market your business for strategic success.
Establish an Optimised Twitter Bio
A well written Twitter biography about your business can promote your online reputation and brand awareness significantly. Optimise your bio to convey a strong message about your brand.
Engage with Top Social Influencers in Your Niche Market
Build real relationships and interact with your niche social influencers and tweet regularly - daily where possible.
Ask followers to re-tweet, mention or follow
Regular Twitter follow and mentions help you to maintain an active social profile, increase engagement and build your brand voice.
Follow Trends and Hashtags
Look for innovative ways to promote your business amongst top influencers, so that your Twitter handle can be seen during trend searches.
Use hashtags (#) for targeted tweets
Deliver highly targeted messages to your visitors and customers by using hashtags, especially when using Twitter for social media marketing.
Use Images and/or Videos in your Tweets
Videos, infographics and images receive greater attention and higher clicks on Twitter, with the trend expected to increase even further alongside user experience enhancement.
Make Twitter an Integrated part of your Social Media Marketing Efforts
Integrating Twitter as a natural part of your social media marketing campaign increases your brand voice, strengthen relationships and promote your online reputation easily.
So there you have it; 7 ways to use Twitter to market your business. Put these digital marketing tips into action and let us know how you get on. Alternatively, check out our Social Media Marketing Consultancy section and let us help you achieve online success.