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Inbound Marketing

Drive Online Conversion With Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing focuses on effectively engaging online visitors via social media channels and rich-media contents such as blogs, podcasts, white papers and videos. The power of inbound marketing is best realised by its capability to attract targeted audidence without restorting to push advertisement techniques (outbound marketing) such as those used in trandional marketing - TV adverts, cold calling and direct mailing to name a few. 
Here are some points worth considering:
  • 44% of direct mail never gets opened  by the recipient.
  • 86% of television viewers skip through commercials/adverts.
  • 84% of 25 to 34 year olds navigate from  a website because of irrelevant or obtrusive contents.
  • The cost-per-lead for outbound marketing is significantly higher than inbound marketing rates.
Strategic Twitter Marketing

Strategic Twitter Marketing for Business Success

Having a Twitter Marketing strategy is an excellent start for promoting your business properly online. As is the case with other Social Media platforms, there are numerous Twitter Marketing tips to get you started and some websites allow you to integrate social media icons to promote your unique brand online. Twitter marketing services is nothing new in the realm of Digital Promotion yet, there are many who do not know how to market on twitter. Marcomz Networks offer effective Twitter marketing campaigns that can help improve your business promotion strategy and easily integrate social collaboration within your online marketing plan.

Read more: Strategic Twitter Marketing for Business Success
FaceBook Marketing Strategies & Targets

7 Strategic Facebook Marketing Targets for Successful Online Engagement

FaceBook Marketing involves knowing how best to engage with online visitors and effectively convert them into buying customers through strategic lead generation. Recently. FaceBook announced that they will be undertaking significant Social Media Marketing changes to address concerns related to how businesses make use of promotional campaigns to achieve online visitor conversion. 

Read more: 7 Strategic Facebook Marketing Targets for Successful Online Engagement
Using Infographics for SEO

9 Reasons Infographics Boost SEO

Ancient civilisations used pictures and paintings to tell stories and record historical trends as hieroglyphics. Nowadays, the same concepts are being used for Digital Marketing, but given the name Infographics (information Graphics). Infographics provides rich representation of information in the form of pictorial graphics and for SEO Marketing, each picture says a thousand words.

Read more: 9 Reasons Infographics Boost SEO

SEO Traffic Trends

Every company that operate as a brand online need SEO. Organic search is the most valuable channel for marketing reach. This is what Google first page result clicks look like.

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